Robin Quivers said on the Howard Stern show today:

"In the paper today, it says that David Lee Roth, the former frontman of Van Halen, ("looking well by the way"-Howard) has not been paying his public relations firm ("yea, his public relations firm claims he has not payed his bill"-Howard) yea, he, they said they were hired in 1997 ("mm hmm"-Howard) and apparently he hasn't been paying them. They say he owes them a hundred ten thousand dollars. ("Maybe he woke up one day and realized 'This public relations is not that good.' You know, we haven't heard from him since Van Halen"-Howard) Maybe, he just forgot that he needed a public relations firm. ("Yea, he's prolly like 'wait a second, I've been paying you a hundred ten thousand dollars for what? I can't even get in the newspaper' Cryin out loud. What publicist is worth a hundred ten thousand dollars?"-Howard) Yea, like what could they have been doing? "They should've written a few songs for Van Halen"-Howard)"